Heart Meditation

The Heart Energy Center is not the most powerful energy center in the body, but it is the most important.

The Heart Energy Center is not the most powerful energy center in the body, but it is the most important.

Take a seat in a quiet place at your altar or somewhere lovely and peaceful. The focus for this meditation is the Heart Energy Center located in the middle of the chest. Do this meditation for 77 consecutive days. If you miss a day start from the beginning. This is a wonderful way to use the propensity for habits to your advantage. Set your timer for 7 minute or 12 minutes and begin.

The Heart Meditation

Sit in half lotus position, or you can sit on your meditation seat with your legs loosely crossed and both feet resting below the opposite thigh or knee. The spine is straight. It is as if a rod could go through the top of your head and down through your bottom. You want to feel uplifted when you sit down to meditate. You can use a chair if you need to. No shame in it. Just be sure to sit straight in the chair and place your feet firmly on the floor, aligned with your hips and knees.

Keep the body still. A still body supports a still mind.

Relax your gaze two to four feet ahead of you on the ground in an unfocused manner. Maintain a loose gaze. Hold your arm straight out in front of you to gage where to gently focus your eyes. If you are unable to meditate with the eyes open you can close them. It is important to make a conscious decision before beginning to meditate.

Slightly tuck in your chin. You don’t want to go so far that you are looking directly down at your lap but you don’t want your head held so far upwards that it may tire you out.

Your shoulder and back relax. Your shoulders can be pushed slightly back while opening up the front body to expose our tender heart.

Your jaw and mouth relaxed, tongue can thrust upward as you breath using both nose and mouth.

Inhale deeply into the area 2 inches below the navel. Slowly exhale pushing your stomach to your spine to release any stale air. As you exhale, rest deeply, like you are saying ahhhh. Your attitude and thoughts are released with the exhalation. Repeat 7 times at your own pace.

Place your hands to heart in prayer position. Hands in prayer position signifies your single minded focus. Your focus is your heart energy center.


Mental Stability