For the Cultivation of Loving-kindness, Joy, and Meaning

anavadya counseling marriage therapy couples coaching therapy relationship counselor individual counseling Kirkland Seattle

It is through our choices that we can create new realities!!

The ultimate choice we make each moment of each day is whether or not we will support our authentic being or a false self.


a practical view

My approach to transformation is really quite simple: We engage in an open, honest and direct dialogue about your work, relationships, and you.

As you become more aware and present, you discover a deeper level of knowing, feeling, and agency. A new found wisdom arises and replaces confusion and uncertainty. Solutions to problematic situations and circumstances become more obvious. You directly experience what it is to be deeply aware, present, and alert.

During individual and group sessions, some attention is also given to clearing the unresolved feelings from the past. We inquire into the long held beliefs, resentments and regrets about your self, others, and the world. Eventually, you are able to let go.

Your vision for your self, others and the world expands. With greater focus and enthusiasm your energy goes into creativity, meaningful work and tender relationships.

anavadya counseling therapy Kirkland seattle marriage and relationship therapy counseling life coach counselor


At an early age I saw that the people around me seemed unhappy and distracted, all the while I heard a call to something more. When I was alone I would tell my questions to the stars; I never needed or waited for an answer to what was deeply known. In my teens and early twenties I was sad a lot and tried everything to get relief. It was also at this time I experienced a series of small and large awakenings which set a trajectory for my journey. After meeting teachers and other’s whom mirrored this call to awaken, I gradually became more confident moving in deeper, higher, and wider levels of Being. I continue to outshine limiting beliefs, patterns, and obstacles that hinder being present, aware, and free. I share all that I have come to know with anyone interested; because it only grows when it’s given away.


Simultaneous to my journey within, I also went to University and I hold a Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work from the University of Washington. I formally studied Psychology and Human Behavior at Antioch University and New York University where I hold my Bachelors Degree. My greatest education, however, comes from years of adventurous living, empowerments from beloved teachers, and the aforementioned awakenings into higher levels of consciousness. In all ways I am tenderly informed by every interaction and experience I have encountered.

Anavadya counseling relationship therapy individual therapy marriage therapy Kirkland life coach counselor marriage counselor


My philosophy integrates western and eastern teachings, while my deepest wisdom and talent comes from within. Working as an individual and marriage therapist, as well a meditation teacher, I naturally synthesize the best of both worlds.

When we are rested in the present moment, thoughts and feelings dissolve, just as a bird flies through the sky without leaving a trace.

To experience greater confidence and ease, we first and foremost must be present. Contemplations and meditation are powerful exercises that deepen our presence. Meditation provides us with a timeless and spacious experience where we discover what we are at the deepest level of our being.